It has been more than eight years since the first words of the White Paper and thanks to you each step has been beyond what we hoped was possible! Now the website is published and more is on the way. This has not been any individual’s success but a journey of many for many. So let us enjoy a big cheer and dedicate ourselves anew to pursue this journey, since much remains and young children's futures everywhere depend on the success of our work. Thank you all for your myriad selfless contributions without guarantees but with huge possibilities for what may be.

  • Steven Barnett

    For your willingness to take on a project that must have seemed unlikely at the least.
  • Catherine Bradshaw

    For your excellent suggestion that we adopt a more regular method of grantmaking and for this website which was a direct result.
  • Richard De Lisi

    For planting the seed and providing the words that started the journey down this most exciting and extraordinary path.

    For graciously providing a home for our website and solutions for so many technical questions.
  • John Franklin

    For your wisdom helping us discern what’s really important, for your dedication to a lifetime of helping others, and for sharing your vision of saving the babies.
  • Ellen Galinsky

    For listening, for your excellent thoughts and for your enthusiastic encouragement.
  • Kiran Gaudioso

    For leading an organization that does so much furthering ECE and for finding ways within your company’s full agenda to continue to support SFF.
  • Cynthia Rice

    When there was no time to share, for sharing your time anyway, for listening, and for your important suggestions at a crucial early time.
  • Michelle Roers

    For your interest in this work, for sticking with this project, and for providing constant and enthusiastic encouragement over many years. Please know your excellent leadership has been critical for the success of this effort!
  • Valerie Werstler

    For listening attentively when so much else was calling, for helping wherever you could, and for opening possibilities that might forever have remained closed.
  • And a very special thank you to:

  • Kathy Kwasnik

    For always having faith this could and would make a difference. For supporting and contributing to this project from the very first ideas through so many challenges to the doorstep of an exciting tomorrow. For years of continuous advice, guidance, candour, wise perceptions and enthusiastic encouragement. For so much more you have meant to this project which these words cannot express. And, perhaps most of all, for keeping us always focused on young children’s success in school and in life.
  • Nell O’Donnell Weber

    For fascinating, direct, and exceedingly thoughtful discussions that have been so helpful in learning about the world of ECE. For so many late nights spent writing accessible, meaningful and eminently logical content and for your extensive knowledge and superior writing all of which have immensely improved this website. For perseverance above and beyond the call of duty and for your quality research. Our understanding of the efficacy of teaching high school parenting is well advanced for your many contributions.
  • Meredith Rowe

    For taking a chance on an unusual request. For tireless dedication and determination over many years, so essential in the success of this work. For sharing and applying your wisdom, broad experience and great research expertise. For your leadership and insight in advancing our understanding of the sources of adolescent knowledge of parenting and child development. And especially for opening the first doors in approaching the efficacy of teaching parenting at the secondary level.
  • Maria Meyer

    For loving and unwavering support every step of the way. Without you none of this would have been possible.
  • As for errors and omissions – these are all mine. – Bruce Meyer
