Phase 1 Report

This brief report provides a summary of the main results of a study conducted by researchers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education about what American high school students currently know and believe about parenting and child development.

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State Standards

To complement the above student survey, researchers also sought to learn what state departments of education are doing to encourage teaching students about parenting and child development. Learn what we found here.

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Our research partners at the Harvard Graduate School of Education designed, validated, and administered the Adolescent Parenting Knowledge and Attitudes Survey, the first survey specifically designed to understand what a broad cross-section of high school students know and believe about parenting and child development. Learn more about the questionnaire here.

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A team of researchers at Harvard Graduate School of Education developed a curriculum for teaching about parenting and child development to high school students.

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What We Learned

Dr. O’Donnell Weber’s doctoral dissertation included an analysis of the results of the survey. Find a summary of the most interesting and relevant results here, as well as a link to download the full dissertation.

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