Our curriculum was developed by a small team of researchers and research assistants at the Harvard Graduate School of Education based on existing research and the results of our student questionnaire, the Adolescent Parenting Knowledge and Attitudes Survey (APKAS). The curriculum is designed as a module for high school juniors and seniors (11th-12th grade). The content of the curriculum includes:

  • Introduction to Child Development
    • Theories of child development
    • Stages of child development
    • Applying knowledge of child development to parenting skills
  • Social and Emotional Learning and Empathetic Awareness
    • Frameworks of social and emotional learning (SEL)
    • SEL and school success
    • The role of empathy in parenting
    • The importance of empathy for children
  • Growth Mindset
    • The relationship between growth mindset and parenting
    • The importance of growth mindset for children
    • How to promote growth mindset in children
  • Active Learning
    • Active learning change over different stages of development
    • The role of independence vs guidance in early childhood learning
    • The relationship between activity and learning connected
  • Oral Language Development, Emergent Literacy, & Emergent Numeracy
    • The links between literacy skills and oral language development
    • How parents can promote oral language development, literacy development, and numeracy development
  • Parenting Knowledge and Efficacy
    • Effective parenting and parenting practices
    • The importance of prenatal and postnatal health
    • The importance of parental health for parenting
  • Parents’ Role in Early Learning
    • The role of socio-cultural factors (beliefs, attitudes, cultural norms, etc.) in parenting strategies
    • The role of parents in learning and development
    • Parenting style and child development
    • More Results Download Curriculum