Our goal is Children’s Kindergarten Readiness and future success. We seek to substantially increase these for all children and especially for those most in need. Together, we can achieve this by helping prepare parents for their exceedingly important role and by informing all of the importance of parenting and CKR.

The immediate objective is to understand the effectiveness of teaching parenting and child development to adolescents, and if effective, to investigate implementation possibilities.

We are wholly science based and research driven in pursuing these goals.

- Much research has shown the importance of parenting knowledge and practices in young children’s development and school readiness skills.

- States’ apparent interest in preparing students for parenting is clear from the numerous states with curriculum standards on the subject.

- Yet little formal parenting education is typically available to bring this research broadly and prospectively to parents.

Your research on the efficacy of teaching parenting and child development at the secondary level and social and emotional learning in the early years could change this and perhaps make a huge difference in our society and beyond.

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