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Kathy Kwasnik

Kathy is the Director of United In Care at United Way of Northern New Jersey. With over thirty years of experience in early childhood education she is co-leading the charge to pilot a new model for the provision of quality early childhood education in the state of New Jersey. Involved in Strengthening Future Families since its inception Kathy has always been passionate about ensuring all children have the best start in life, especially those from ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed) families.
“Being on the Board of Directors allows me to further my life mission and work and help ensure that every child has the same opportunity to have a healthy, happy and productive life.”

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Bruce Meyer

Bruce served for thirty years as a successful businessman and entrepreneur. For the past 15 he has dedicated his entrepreneurial efforts to supporting parenting and early childhood research and improving early childhood education in the United States. Most recently before joining Strengthening Future Families he served as CEO of Early Education Research Foundation.
“I’m excited about Strengthening Future Families bringing many important and potentially life-changing benefits of early learning centers to infants’ and young children’s homes.”

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Nell O’Donnell Weber

Dr. Nell O’Donnell Weber is an independent international education consultant with particular interest in parenting, parental beliefs, early childhood education, language and literacy, global citizenship, and international education. Her recent work includes several early childhood measurement projects with the World Bank, Episcopal Relief and Development, and the United States Agency for International Development through MSI, Inc. Nell is also involved in several efforts to teach parenting and child development to adolescents, including across Illinois and on the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation in Wisconsin. Her dissertation work on American high school students’ knowledge and beliefs about parenting and child development brought her to join Strengthening Future Families.
“Parenting is hard but incredibly rewarding. By supporting Strengthening Future Families, I hope to help give the next generation of parents tools and knowledge for success.”
