


Why are the early years important?

The first years are critical for building healthy brains. Children's early experiences and environment play a large role in their skill development and later school success. Unfortunately, not all children receive the early care and attention they need to succeed.

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Why are parenting practices important?

Parents are the most important people in young children's lives. They play an integral role in fostering early skill development and learning. What’s most exciting is that parenting skills are not just inborn, but can be taught.

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The challenge

Unfortunately, evidence suggests the achievement gap begins at birth, even if we are only able to measure it later. It is clear that most adults do not have the knowledge of child development needed to help their children thrive, and we lack a mechanism to teach parenting knowledge at scale.

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One innovative approach might be...

According to economists, early investment produces abundant returns in human capital. However, parenting knowledge, necessary from the day a child is born, is not typically available in any formal way to U.S. citizens. Since high school is our last chance to reach everyone, one innovative approach might be to teach parenting in high schools so every child is born to a parent that understands the vital role he or she plays in shaping that child's future.

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